Resource Centre

Course Materials

FSPCA Participant Manual

We highly recommend reading/skimming the course manual prior to attending the course! You may order the course manual from the FSPCA bookstore or from Amazon.

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FSPCA FSVP Exercise Workbook
FSPCA Exercise Workbook

You may print the workbook or use the electronic version to complete the exercises.


FDA Guidance Documents

FSVP Rule Guidance in Q&A Format

Updated January 2023. This is a must-read and will answer most questions you may have regarding the Regulation.

Guidance: Written Disclosures

Describing a Hazard That Needs Control in Documents Accompanying the Food, as Required by FSMA.

Covered by the PC Supply-Chain Program

Guidance describing what manufacturers/processors covered by the PC Supply-Chain Program need to know about FSVP.

Small Entity Compliance Guide

This guide focuses on the modified procedures for very small importers or importers of food from certain small foreign suppliers.

Guidance: FSMA Enforcement Discretion

Updated March 2022 - FDA will be exercising enforcement discretion for certain FSMA provisions such as written assurances.

2018: View       2022: View
Guidance: Public Health Protection Level

Updated January 2018. Considerations for determining whether a measure provides the same level of public health protection as the corresponding requirement in 21 CFR part 112 or the PC Requirements in part 117 or 507.


Resource for Developing FSVPs

FSVP Fillable Forms and Workaids

FSVP Fillable Forms and Workaids

1) Determining the FSVP Importer

2) Hazard Analysis Form

3) Foreign Supplier Verification Activities

4) Foreign Supplier Evaluation Form

5) Foreign Supplier Re-evaluation Form

FSVP Records Requirement List

On October 7, 2019, FDA published the list of records required under FSVP. This should serve as a useful guide to determine which records are required as part of each FSVP.


Analyzing Imported Foods for Hazards

FDA's Reportable Food Registry (RFR)

The RFR is an electronic portal for the industry to report when there is reasonable probability that an article of food will cause serious adverse health consequences. It applies to all FDA regulated categories of food and feed, except dietary supplements and infant formula.

Learn More             Enforcement Reports
Appendix 1: Potential Hazards for Foods

Updated January 2024. This appendix contains information on the potential hazards for these categories: Bakery, Beverage, Chocolate and Candy, Dairy, Dressings and Condiments, Egg, Food Additives, Fruits and Vegetables, Game Meat, Grains, Multi-Component Foods and Nuts.

Download               Easy Look Up
Guidance: Supply-Chain for Human Food

This chapter will help a receiving facility comply with the requirements of subpartG for establishing a supply-chain program.

FDA's Bad Bug Book (Second Edition PDF)

Learn about various pathogens - a bacterium, virus, or parasite and natural toxins that can contaminate food and cause illness.

CFIA Reference Database for Hazard Identification

This is a tool designed by CIA for identifying food and food-borne hazards.

More Information
CDC Center for Disease Control and Prevention

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Current Outbreak List.

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FDA Import Alerts by Food Group

Detentions without physical examination are implemented through Import Alertswhich indicate the country/area or firm and the specific product from thecountry/area or from the firm that is to be detained without physical examination.

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Evaluating and Verifying the Foreign Supplier

FDA Data Dashboard

The FDA created the Data Dashboard to display and allow for the analysis of public FDA data. This is a great interactive tool for evaluating your foreign suppliers.

Supplier Evaluation Tool

FDA Resource for Supplier Evaluation. Using this tool, importers, manufacturers and processors are able to search multiple data bases at the same time.

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Safe Food For Canadians License Registry

The food businesses on the Safe Food For Canadians License Registry are licensed under the SCR and are considered to be in good standing with the CFIA.

Templates: Third Party Audit Standards

Templates to help receiving facilities and importers compare the standards used in a third-party audits to FDA food safety requirements. (PCHF, PCAF & Produce Rule).

Learn More

Other Resources

FSMA Technical Assistance Network (TAN)

Have your question answered by FDA Information Specialists or Subject Matter Experts. FDA will respond to inquiries received as soon as possible.

FDA TAN            FSPCA TAN
FDA FSVP Portal for Records Submission

On May 10 2021, FDA opened the FSVP Importer Portal for FSVP Records Submission. The FDA established the Portal to serve as a dedicated, streamlined way for importers to submit FSVP records.

More Information
FSVP Importer List

The list includes information provided to FDA at entry regarding the importers' names and location by state. The list will be updated on a quarterly basis. Inclusion on this list does not convey FDA's approval or endorsement.

Red List: Import Alert 99-41

"Detention without Physical Examination of Human and Animal Foods Imported from Foreign Suppliers by Importers who are not in compliance with requirements of the FSVP Regulation". This import alert specifically targets U.S-based Importers.

VQIP Portal

The Voluntary Qualified Importer Program is a voluntary fee-based program that provides expedited review and import entry of human and animal foods into the U.S. Begin the application process and view currently approved VQIP Importers.

View                   July 2023 Guidance Download